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Public Toilet Project for the Village of Dumpong, Eastern Region, Ghana

 Mr. Frank Aidoo, recipient of the Dumpong Biofuels biodiesel project, is a pineapple farmer and water bottler at the village of Dumpong in the Eastern Region of Ghana.  He employs several workers from Dumpong.  Mr. Aidoo’s concern about the lack of a public toilet facility (read: ANY toilet facility, as the impoverished mud living huts do not have bathrooms) has led him to initiate the daunting and lengthy undertaking of constructing a latrine for the village.  Mr. Aidoo has industriously engaged the village youth to convene each Friday afternoon to press bricks from bags of concrete he purchases each week.  They have, so far, pressed over 100 bricks.  He has also involved the men of the village to dig, by hand, a large trench approximately 30 feet long and 5 feet wide and 10 feet deep.  The trench is completed, and is situated down a small path approximately 50 feet from the main road.  Because there are not yet enough bricks to shore up the sides, the walls of the trench are in danger of collapsing with the onset of the rainy season.  (Although it may be common practice to use bricks for this effort, a more permanent and stable method of lining the trench would be poured cement footings.)  Mr. Aidoo foresees a latrine building with several toilets, one side for males and the other for females.  He is frustrated by the slow progress and the impending rainy season, but is proud of the project and what has been accomplished thus far.

Dumpong Biofuels sees this public works project as one that is basic to the health of the community, and would like to seek funding for its completion.  The administration of this sanitation project would be by the Ghanaian associates of Dumpong Biofuels, and the project would be engineered  and directed by Mr. Frank Aidoo.

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Last updated: 07/29/07.